NO PARKING: THAT Means you Californicators!

Looks like everyone flocked to Sand Harbor on Tuesday to enjoy the first hot weather of the season but the rangers just weren't having it and closed the parking lot in the morning shutting out a LOT of people who wanted in. What did they do? After being cooped up for the last 5 or 6 weeks. They said "Screw it" and parked in the no parking area on both sides of the Sand Harbor gate. The Nevada Highway Patrol didn't much like that and handed out expensive citations like confetti. Close to 70 citations were issued and some vehicles towed away if they obstructed traffic. Rangers said that folks just couldn't social distance given the numbers coming in. I can verify that as we were paddling that morning but left around noon and the beach was getting pretty packed. I don't know the answer to this really but I am really glad the State Parks are open at all given the Covid situation. We'll need to get outside... one way or another! My answer is the same as i...