Our ship comes in with some Xmas Pow!

The best day of skiing at Rose this season happened this morning. Consistent powder was providing big smiles. Even the 15 minute lift line wait was worth it. NICE! The Upper Traverse may not open till we get another decent storm as Upper Zephyr is way too bony. Golds and Climax are also at Low Tide and are still full of land mines although some folks elected to traverse in. In both instances there were severe P-tex causalities. Sunny blue bird powder beckons and we heard the call! Thanks to all for keeping the Iron Curtain up until the Slide folks who had waited patiently for a late start were allowed to get a first good run in before the curtain dropped. Very kind on Rose's part. Thanks to Cliff, the Slide Side Supervisor for running a safe, clean and caring site. Once more the Slide Dogs show the rest of the mountain how it should be done. Sven