Fed up with the lines this weekend so... to lose the crowds, stay out of line and get away I spent a few hours exploring the chutes, taking some pics and noting conditions. My first impression was that it was nice, peaceful and quiet in every chute and the ride up was lineless surrounded by empty chairs. This begged another run and another and another. After seven or eight runs I had been just about everywhere picking my way down. Some were pretty nice, others rocked, and not in a good way. Altogether though it made the long waits at Zephyr worthwhile and led to a much nicer ski experience with more skiing and less waiting. Here is a synopsis: Beehive: bumped out but fun with mostly good soft snow conditions. The following were traversed into as the El Cap and Yellowjacket gates are closed (for good reason) Yellowjacket: Gate closed up high, traverse in yields good snow and smaller bumps than Beehive. There are a few harder icy plates to watch out that appear to be bed surfaces that h