April Powder (Virus Free)

A friend of mine quit posting ski pics due to public shaming... folks, this has gotta stop. Your fear or lack of motivation to get outdoors and do something healthy is not reason to slam the people that are. I can certainly see where staring at your four walls and the TV for a couple of weeks can drive folks crazy angry but still... you could go out. YOU and only you are responsible for your mental health. Social distancing doesn't get any better than a mile from the nearest other person. As I said earlier, go out, be fruitful (although you SHOULD be careful WHO you are "fruitful" with, of course). Skiing and sex have always been great partners in life (although there are those who will say you shouldn't do that either). Just remember to practice Safe Skiing and Safe Sex which means know and trust your partners in both endeavors.

Be reasonable and think for yourself. If you can recreate safely without getting hurt and with your family (whoever you perceive them to be) then get out there and quit looking over the fence and complaining about what everybody else is doing. Thats my 2 cents.

As for the latest powder dump... what can I say, you shoulda been here. And if you were here I bet you are probably still wearing that smile. Although we only received half what was forecast on the East Side we still enjoyed the foot or so of cold pow. In fact, we enjoyed the shit out of it. Yesterday there was an inch of two in town which means blower pow up here and that it was.

Now go to your HOME which is Nevada. But do it away from others and safely... that will put a smile on your face no matter the latest Breaking News tonight!

Since the USNS Theodore Roosevelt has been in the news so much lately... here is quote that applies to all of us: "Do what you can with what you have where you are."



  1. Rather than sitting on your ass complaining about those who got out and took advantage of this free time, you should consider just how much of this is really necessary? Do you really trust the government so much in this country to do exactly what they say exactly when they say it. If you do, then you are sheep and belong with the flock in the field. Consider this: In 2018 80,000 Americans died from the flu. We are 1/7 of the way there right now. Of course there is a big difference between that flu and this one: We did not shut down the entire f'ing world. Get out there, take advantage and be suspicious, this just does not pass the smell test. Thanks Sven for providing the motivation!

    Don't believe me: Go to this PDF page put out by Washoe County: https://www.washoecounty.us/health/files/ephp/communicable-diseases/coronavirusV7.pdf


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