The snowpack half empty or half full: You decide

The latest figures for snowfall puts 200" or half our typically 400" seasonal snowfall at the summit. I am sure on their storm boards this is correct. However, as most skiers know, storm boards don't tell the entire story. They are normally set up in the most protected leeward locations in the trees where lots of snow tends to blow in and lay deep and shaded till spring. That 200" sounds pretty good when you think about it considering how meager meaningful snow has really been. But hey, take a look around. The fact is we have virtually no low elevation show and the mid altitudes are meager at best. The snowfall on South sides is mostly non-existent as anyone who has been out in Manzanita Bowl lately can tell you They are one sunny week away from being bare boned. Even the snowpack on North aspects is nothing to brag about: The Chutes are a case in point. Just look at the bottom of your skis and my point will be proven. The fact is we have had a very poor year and ...