The Snow Finally Cometh...

The snows have finally returned but not a lot is expected. We might pull a foot out of this if we are lucky but that may be just enough to cover all the rocks and stumps lurking just below the surface. The good news is that Mine Train might finally open back up so we have at least two runs down the Slide Side and some of the skid marks and gravel may be better covered on the Rose side. Every flake helps for sure... 

just didn't want you to think this storm would open the entire area up. That just is not going to happen considering the fact that the precip the last three months hasn't been this parched since the 70's according to Daniel Swain of Weather West. The amalgamated models for January doesn't look all that rosie precip wise either but, of course, Mother Nature will decide that... models be damned (as they often are).

So look for improving conditions at Rose but only commensurate with the number of inches that nature bestows upon us in this and next week's potential moderate stormy period on Thursday. 



  1. Hi Sven! "John Snow" from Unofficial Sugar Bowl here. I have a Rose pass too. Would love to make turns with you one day this season at this amazing mountain, get in touch! I have half-offs for Sugar if you want to join us for some unofficial meetup action over there too. :)


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