Support Local Biz: Spotlight on Slide Mountain Wax

 Greetings Skiers and Riders, 

Many of us already know about the amazing wax that local boy John Hegstrom is producing at Slide Mountain Snow Sports and if you don't... well this will be the most important post you've read all year! John began playing with wax recipe's years ago utilizing the latest technology and chemicals to concoct three of his most popular waxes. All have been vigorously tested by John and devoted Slide Dogs who are on the mountain a hundred days a year or more. Their conclusion: this wax works and works well. Formulated to last, you'll know if someone is wearing it on the High Traverse because they will be the one's passing you like you're standing still without poling or skating. Want to make skiing easier... this wax is your gateway to more runs and more funs!  

The wax comes in three basic models. Slide Mountain Green for cold conditions in the single digits and teens, Slide Mountain Blue for more typical mid-winter cold conditions in the 20's and Slide Mountain Red for snow near the freezing mark for those t-shirt days. 

Unlike their competitors Slide Mountain Wax is eco-friendly and in using it you will be doing a favor to all who live and play downstream. The lack of fluoro compounds makes for a much healthier choice for our home Nevada and everything alive. Slide Mountain Wax are formulated from pure hydrocarbons and are non-toxic making them durable, long lasting and the right choice for Nevadans.

You can purchase the wax in person at either Bobo's or Snowind Sports or by contacting him directly at To make matters sweeter he even offers free shipping if you purchase 4 boxes are more. To get more info visit: Hope you'll come out and buy local!


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