More Warm and Dry on the Horizon

 Same old story folks... the long range for December just came out from the National Weather Service and it predicts warmer and drier weather than average in December. Of course they said the same thing in October when we received a three foot dump making steep skiing possible in October in a number of places for the first time in many years.

Although the NWS is fairly (and I use this word "fairly" in the broadest possible sense) accurate 12 to 48 hours out, any more than that is a crap shoot as they have proven time and time again. Keep in mind that individual weather events have a mind of their own and ultimately Ma Nature is in charge as our weather guru over at has repeatedly pointed out. To get the latest weather info that impacts winter sports in the Carson Range I have found his site to be the most accurate and always with a very positive spin for us skiers and boarders. If you haven't already, you should definitely check him out. Keep in mind that these warm minimums at night have kept George Wagner and his snowmaking crew at bay 5 nights out of the week lately as lows have been in the 40's up here due to strong inversions. It's been much colder in Reno than the top of Slide lately... go figure. 

In the meantime, go out and enjoy some late season hiking or mountain biking. The weather is perfect for it!



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