Waiting and wondering: Is it worth it?

 So, with a few inches of new snow in what so far has been a meager year and all passes good again... a photo was sent in by Sue of Zephyr Load this morning. I can't imagine the line if we get a real powder day with a couple of feet of cold smoke, you might be faster skinning up the hill. According to sources the wait was well over 25 minutes at times today. I know we are all anxious to get some skiing in but, jeez, you gotta stop and wonder where you draw the line of whether its worth the wait. For me its not as I would rather throw on a pair of skins and catch some freshies the natural way, but for all of you that went, good on you. You have more patience that I. 

I really hope Rose can find a way to load more folks in a chair, perhaps put another single in the middle or something to help shorten the wait. Seems more dangerous to let this many people mill around sharing air than putting a third person its the middle, or how about we have a "Chair Stuffers" line that signs a release saying we are OK with that, hell, the all the air in a chair is moving behind you anyway when they run that chair at 1000 FPM which is which has been their SOP this year. At least we have some snow!

Just some random thoughts...



  1. I arrived at 8:40, Slide side. Parking lot was PACKED!! Never seen it so crowded, so early. Some people were leaving as I was putting on my boots. Skied until 11:30, mostly Lakeview. Would rather be moving, no matter how slow, then standing in a line. My runs were so much fun. Excellent snow. Alas, they were too short and the lines, ultimately, too long. Maybe, twenty-five percent of the parking lot had left by 11:30.......


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