May Chutes Report

First: Is it worth it? Depends. As with most things in life, keep the bar low and you'll most likely have some fun. If nothing else its always fun to watch your ski partner ride a wet slide down or jump into a rotten ski hole and come to a complete stop. So, realistically, its hasn't frozen in awhile and instead of corn skiing I would call it corn-syrup skiing. Sometimes your boards sink in three or four inches, other times up to your knees. Can you see the difference in the snow you ask. Not a chance. Every turn is like rolling the dice... you're just hoping your not landing in a bowl of mush and coming to an instant stop knee deep or hitting a rock inches under the surface (nothing like a hyper extension to ruin your day). Due to the snow rot, wet slides are also common after noon and due to their weight the slough is difficult to get out of... kinda like wet cement.

If this sounds fun to you then the chutes are waiting. If temps cool off we may get a freeze/thaw cycle going and be able to enjoy the snow thats left. If it doesn't freeze I'm passing on it for awhile, y'know, to leave y'all some fresh tracks. 

The water on Tahoe has been pretty nice for paddling and without the motors has been mirror smooth if the winds are down.

Whichever way you go you'll find some fun. After all, Covid 19 or not. Its Tahoe!



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