Back to Spring Again... and late spring at that!

Saturday morning and it was windy, low vis with rocks and skid marks starting to peek through... the good news is you definitely didn't have to wait in line anywhere. Although the Rose is really still looking pretty good on coverage with the exception of Upper Ramseys the Slide side is another story.

Sunrise has turned rocky fast. The sun this week burned the snow off making grooming problematical ,if not impossible in some places. Other runs where skid marks and/or rocks are starting to show include Bruces and Bonanza. I should point out we are under 50% of our normal snowpack and the groomers have done an extraordinary job farming snow from wherever they can get it. Whoever operator was working on Zephyr Friday night had a nice rodeo experience farming snow from uphill of the cat track. That guy deserves the "Big Balls" award for being on a fairly steep sidehill pushing every last bit of snow he or she could reach so that the top of Zephyr would be skiable. Nice work!

As I mentioned the Rose side is still skiing quite well with plenty of coverage for the time being! Will we get snow out of next weeks so called "storms"? Well, the models are pointing at Mammoth to get the lionshare of whatever comes in, at least at this point but the forecast does point to overcast and wind... oh boy. Can't wait, right?

On the plus side the beer with flow tomorrow on the Slide side with the Gruber Omm Pah Pah band and Stein races so there is that to look forward to.



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