The Best Pow Comes to an Abrupt End

Well the pow lasted weeks and weeks this holiday and it was almost like skiing in the Rockies but alas... all good things must come to an end. And so it did on New Years Day with the dripping starting outside my window at 7640 feet at 6:30 am. It rained and blew snot most of the morning and the result was what we have now. Good old Sierra Cement that is hard in the mornings and in the shadows and maybe just soft enough to ski as the sun warms it if you happen to be in a sunny location. Despite the snows demise I do celebrate the uncrowded conditions at Mt. Rose along with the amazingly great snow we did enjoy in order to make it a holiday to remember!

The rain also tamped the snow down a bit so you'll see rocks in the chutes and elsewhere that were not there a week ago. Ski with caution as things have changed at the whims of Ma Nature. We will see a few weak impulses of moisture come through the next ten days or so but nothing big on the horizon until at least a week or more. Our friends over at are seeing a pattern change perhaps in the middle of January and NOAA is concurring with some signals showing wetter and colder things coming our way in the last half of the month. That being said... this is only their best guess. Don't lynch the weather guys when its wrong this far out... its a crapshoot for sure. They can't move the High Pressure Ridges (but that would be a pretty cool special power).

Just to remind you... this is what the lines looked like last year on the Christmas holiday. We fared much better this year, thats for sure! Thanks to Rose management for putting quality over quantity. If nothing else the morning groomers will be fun if nothing else.



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