Oh yeah (in Barry White voice) You wet baby? Yeah... I'm soooo wet...

Not into porn? This title is snow porn actually...

However in reality the conversation would have then taken a turn with... "I can't feel my toes" or "Shit, my gloves are soaked." Temps hovered from 31 to 34 today with "moist" powder falling off and on during the day. The wind was whipping out of the South precluding Zephyr spinning and relegating riders to the Rose side where I would say it was fairly busy for the conditions. Winds were in the 60mph plus range and I was definitely home before lunch. Although, on the bright side, skiing was pretty good, especially the first 3 or 4 runs before it was more mash potato consistency. In every skier's lexicon are the immortal words... "It didn't suck." And alas. It did not.

Forecast remains on track for more and a little drier snow tonight into tomorrow morning with much mellower weather expected tomorrow afternoon with sunny days most of next week. That might be a good time to hit the slopes. Hope y'all have a great night.



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