A Rose by any other name... a thing of beauty to be sure

Beautiful windless fall weather punctuated by crisp mornings and warm afternoons have not led to much snowmaking the last few weeks as the mercury edged up and make blowing snow an impractical enterprise. As much as Rose would like to open top to bottom and despite the fact that 90% of the KC Traverse and the run itself waits like a perspective bride... there just hasn't been the cold temps to make the connection across the flats to the Wizard runs.

Some of this may change next week when temps drop considerably mid-week and we see our first opportunity for some natural snow. My guess is the guns will be firing on all cylinders in order to drive the "White Spike" of connection (RR reference for those of you who don't know what the transcontinental railroad is or was...). In any event, its the Great Wizard Social Scene and definitely worth a few rides in order to run into your winter time homies and ease into the winter scene.

Although there is some griping and worries about the snowless winter I say, relax and enjoy the incredible weather... it could be raining.



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