Happy Birthday Sven... here's a couple of feet of pow at Squaw Valley for ya...

It shall remain one of the best birthday gifts of all time...  new snow blown in knee deep in places and great wind buff in others with more snow falling in between crystal clear blue skies followed by a boatloads of cumulous clouds in a spring mountain sky ballet. From 8 to 4 (KT-22 staying open longer due to it's last weekend of operation, hoorah) let us ski till our legs were jelliefied. From one end of the resort to the other and a little beyond in spots, we hiked for new freshies every run venturing further as the day wore on to access tree stashes and ridge runs where others dare not follow uphill, over logs, rocks and stumps to find the goods. Our last run was along the ridge East from KT all the way to the last tracks... and then a little further coming down under the Far East Express and the old Olympic 90 meter jump run-out then walking straight to the Cornice Cantina for cold beer and nachos with some friends. Really, its hard to imagine a better day than that. Thanks Squaw Valley for keeping so much open and thanks to Mother Nature for the Great White Gift! If you haven't got yourself to Squaw, Alpine or Mammoth yet, pack up the car, time for a road trip. SV is still running Granite Chief, Siberia and KT among others. Great skiing is still to be had and the hot tub is open for a bonus. There will be new pow soon enough as the storm systems are taking tickets out there in the Pacific!



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